If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it-then I can achieve it.
— Muhammad Ali

We focus on helping those diagnosed later in life

Can’t Shake Me is a nonprofit centered around the need to provide services specifically designed for the Young Onset Pakinson’s Disease community. Unlike other nonprofit organizations which are focused on the research aspect, we are solely dedicated to providing needed services for those diagnosed with PD prior to the age of 50. We recognize that those diagnosed with YOPD experiences with PD differ from those who are diagnosed in later years.

We provide the support needed to those diagnosed with YOPD to not only manage but to thrive with this unexpected early diagnosis (prior to age 50). CSM was created with the hopes of making life easier for the future people who are diagnosed with YOPD.

Since connecting with Paul, I have been very fortunate to do several solid workouts each week with Paul and a crew of dedicated members. Each time I log in to one of Paul’s Zoom workouts, I know that I’m going to get an intense but doable HIIT style body-weight workout. I know that I am going to get sweaty and get my heart rate up. I know that I am going to feel it and I know that it will be fun! Paul is a great coach—he pushes us but also explains modifications if they are needed, he checks in with us, and he motivates us to do our best. I feel very fortunate to have been connected with Paul Cluff. With his enthusiasm, guidance and motivation, I know that I am doing something positive that will help with my Parkinson’s Disease.
— T.J. O'Malley